About Me

My name is Debbrah and I was born and raised in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. My passion is wholistic health (whole-person health), which includes physical, mental, spiritual, and social well-being. I grew up experiencing agony, nausea, and migraines during my monthly periods until one day I decided ‘enough was enough,’ that I no longer wanted to be a prisoner of my awful menstrual cycles and sought to understand and take action. The unexpected realization that painful periods aren’t supposed to be normal prompted me to go on this path to help other women who are encountering similar challenges.

PMS and painful periods are a sad reality for far too many women today, and my mission is to EMPOWER YOU to take control of your own health so that PMS and painful periods become a thing of the past!

I am a trained and certified Women’s Hormone Health Coach and Wellness Educator that works with women using a lifestyle intervention approach to pain management, such as nutrition, exercise, herbal recommendations, and stress management, rather than relying on traditional drugs and chemicals.


The Program

Ditch Your Period Pain 

This is the standard 4-month program in which we work together to help you understand your menstrual cycle, and how to efficiently implement and utilize lifestyle changes to achieve better periods!

Is This Program a Good Fit for You?

  1. Are your periods making you miserable?
  2. Are you experiencing pain to the point that you miss work, school and important events in your life?
  3. Are you dependent on painkillers to get through your period?
  4. Are your periods preventing you from living life to the full?
  5. Do you feel like painful periods are the normal for you?

Health By Choice Not By Chance!

What can you do to get rid of your bad menstrual cramps and period discomfort? The remedy is frequently found in the problem’s root cause, thus finding the root cause is the first step. When it comes to your monthly periods, having a basic understanding of how your body works will aid you in making the best decisions.


For the past two months, my pain has gone down to such an extent that it’s maybe now about 10% of the original amount of pain. I am able to to cook, run errans and what not. Girl your are my savior!

Koushiki, 25

Before, I was discouraged by repeated failures to find the right medicine for my pain. I was addicted to the pill because it was the only solution that helped me. But I worked with Debbrah, and now I have much less pain. I discovered the nutrients and essential oils that helps me live the menstrual cycles in a serene way, without being discouraged from being a woman.

Christelle, 42

“I used to take 4 naproxen pills to be able to survive my cramps and back pain. My back pain completely vanished and my cramps are no longer debilitating”

Lisa, 26

Free Resources

Better Periods Naturally

Got questions? Feel free to contact me using the form below laughing:

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