More about the program

I’m really looking forward to working with you! You will love it as you experience the progress for yourself!

I’m offering you a three-month coaching program in which I’ll help you better understand your menstrual cycle and employ lifestyle adjustments to help you have better periods. We’ll develop goals together to address stress management, nutrition, exercise, and herbal remedies in order to lessen and avoid the use of pain relievers. My coaching technique is one-of-a-kind, combining my background in nutrition, hydrotherapy, and working with ladies from all over the world. I’ll lead you through tried-and-true healthy lifestyle change strategies while also listening, empathizing, and exploring solutions with you.

Program Overview

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Health Assessment Questionnaire

Receive a health assessment questionnaire via email to complete and return prior to your initial consultation.

90 Minute Consultation

An initial consultation to review your menstrual health assessment questionnaire responses as well as charting a path forward.

Another 60-90 Minute Session

An in-depth review of your food diary and working together to design your personalized lifestyle recommendation for you to achieve better periods.

45 Minute Sessions

Every two weeks, progress review as well as evaluating the suitability of your personal plan.