Two ways to work with me!

I’m so excited!

One-on-one Coaching

I am offering you a 4-month Ditch your Period Pain Coaching Program where I guide and empower you to better understand your menstrual cycle, and efficiently use lifestyle changes to achieve better periods. Together, we will set goals addressing stress management, nutrition, exercise, and herbs to reduce and avoid reliance on pain relief medication. 
As a Christian, I have a unique coaching style, which combines my experience in Nutrition Coaching, Hydrotherapy, and working with women all over the world. I pray with my clients and offer spiritual support. I will also walk you through proven healthy lifestyle change approaches and will be a listening ear, relating and empathizing and working through solutions with you. 


Step 1

In our first session, we review your menstrual health assessment questionnaire, discuss your health struggles, set your goals, and create a clear successful plan of action.

Step 2

We look at the role of food in for the management of period issues and put in place personalized lifestyle recommendations for you to achieve better periods.

Step 3

Follow-up sessions every two weeks, up to six sessions to review progress, update the plan, agree on the next steps, educate and coach you through changes.

What Else is Included?

Unlimited Email support. I will be available to answer any questions you may have for the duration of our coaching agreement.

Additional resources on monthly cycle tracking, anti-inflammatory foods, biblical stress management, sample meal plan for healthy hormones, yummy recipes, and a lot more!

Self-Paced Online Course

Not ready to invest in the 4-month Ditch your Period Pain Program but you definitely want to start your better period journey? This service is for you. I have created an online course where you will learn all that you need to balance your hormones once and for all! 

Do you have any questions?

“Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.” 3 John 2 

*This promise includes amazing periods